I have been a bad blogger! An update is long overdue. I apologize for that. To be honest, I have been waiting to feel more positive about things, so that I did not sound like a negative, ungrateful complainer. Everyone has been so wonderful and supportive. They hold high hopes and expectations for me, and want me to achieve my hearing goals. I feel like I would be disappointing them if I reported the reality of my experience these last 18 days. I really wanted to be able to share uplifting, miraculous accomplishments, like : "I had my first phone conversation!", "I could understand the radio in the car!" or "I could understand you without lip reading!" and so on...
What I need to be telling myself - OFTEN! |
Don't get me wrong. I am doing okay. The CI seems to be operational, and doing what it is supposed to do. I am thankful for that. I am sitting outside writing this post and can hear the birds chirping, someone hammering a few houses away, and my cats meowing at the window. That is pretty miraculous in itself. But I am still not able to understand speech without lip reading. Words and sentences are like unintelligible blobs of sound - I can hear the voice, but comprehension seems unreachable, no matter how hard I try. Too bad the CI did not come with an autocorrect feature like the iPhone! :)