Thursday, September 12, 2013

A parallel universe?

I have been struggling for a few weeks with a case of writers block.  So many people have been asking me to update my blog and describe my experiences these last 3 months.  I have sat down in front of my computer aiming to put together a perfectly worded, eloquent, descriptive summary of my journey thus far.  But I just can not seem to do it. 

What can I hear?  What can't I hear?  What do I want to hear?  Let's not forget what I don't want to hear (if I had a dime for every fart joke I've heard, I could retire!!).  It would be easy for me to come up with lists.  

However, I want to put together more than a bunch of sounds lined up neatly next to bullet points.  Part of the problem is that my experience drastically changes from day to day, from hour to hour.  I could blame this on my frame of mind, my fatigue level, the settings on my CI, the person speaking, amount of background noise etc....that is a whole new list. 

Things change so much, so often, that attempting to accurately and concisely capture how things are going is difficult, if not impossible.  A post I would write after a particularly bad day would sound very depressing.  I fear coming across like an ungrateful, negative person.  On the other hand, if I were to write a glowing review of all the amazing progress I have made - this would offer up a skewed perception of my reality.  Although, it would be what most of you would want to hear. 

On top of all that, I have so much to say, that the thought of attempting to put it down on paper is overwhelming.  One of these days I will tackle it! 

For now - I have decided to try to answer a question that was asked of me the other day:

"If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?" 

I think the answer might surprise many people.  I think I surprised myself!